Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Excessive Blushing

It seems like there's no escaping the embarressing flush and redness of the cheeks every time you look at your crush, hear an off-color joke, or make a mistake. However, there are many individuals who suffer from excessive blushing problem. Read our blog for  ways to prevent and help such occurrences.

While no-one likes to blush, it's totally normal and a very common human body  reaction, and is nothing to be ashamed of. Some people even find it attractive.  So nobody should feel that there is something wrong with them just because they have a tendency to go red in the face sometimes. But there are some people who suffer from very severe excessive blushing problem, and some are diagnosed with a condition called idiopathic craniofacial erythema. This is characterised by strong and uncontrollable facial blushing and redness But if your blushing feels excessive or is adversely affecting your life, then there are steps you can take to get it under control. Different solutions work for different people, so it might be necessary to experiment a little to find the right blushing cure for you.

Build your confidence – blushing can be hard on an individual's self-confidence, particularly if others taunt them about it.  Very confident  individuals are less likely to experience the social anxiety that generally accompanies blushing, and if they do blush, are less likely to be so concerned about it. Its a viscous cycle of anxiety and blushing which turns the condition into a downhill spiral. So take the necessary steps you can to boost your confidence and self-esteem. Remember everyone is equal and nothing anyone says to you can change the way you feel! This is important in raising self confidence and making sure you are in control.

Expose yourself to more social situations – excessive blushers may come to avoid socialising as the condition gets so bad and they feel self-conscious about going red in the face. While understandable, this can also make the problem worse, as the person becomes increasingly unused to dealing with people, and more anxious while around them. Forcing yourself to get out and interact regularly can help – familiarity can help to remove some of the fear associated with socialising, and gives you the chance to practice maintaining emotional and social control, even in stressful situations.

Deep breathing – can help to control the anxiety which is generally related to blushing. Try it in situations where you feel anxious. Meditation – is also another method that can help to bring anxiety under control. Practice meditating daily for 10-20 minutes. This short period can calm the overall body and mind and make a person more relaxed through the day!

Hypnotherapy – One of the most important tools for blushers is hypnosis. It works by changing your response to social situations. It has also helped many people to reduce and completely eliminate excessive blushing. Several sessions or more may be needed to see definite results, although this is not always the case. Be sure to seek out a qualified hypnotherapist, or, alternatively, you can purchase specially-recorded CDs or MP3s to use in self-hypnosis sessions at home. You may want to try this one - Excessive Blushing Hypnosis, I have personally greatly improved my blushing using this and a combination of other things including diet and supplements.

Check your diet - certain foods can contribute to blushing problem in some people. These include hot and spicy foods!  I try to avoid all Caffeine as it can also make blushing worse, as it has a dehydrating effect, as does alcohol. You should also drink plenty of water, to ensure that lack of hydration isn't making your blushing problem worse than it needs to be. Drink at least 8 glassses a day to stay hydrated and lower your bodies imflamation.

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